Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is this a god dam?

The fog was really thick and at times we could not see more than a few yards ahead. So our hopes of seeing the Fuji was getting smaller and smaller....
During our trip we passed the Okutamago lake and its huge dam.
I think I am jinxed. Everytime I take a trip to see Fuji-san in its glory, it is too cloudy and Fuji-san is sleeping that particular day. This day was no exception. After 4 years in Japan I have yet to see Fuji on purpose from closer than say Tokyo. I have seen it from my balcony, from the airplane etc etc. But every time I get close to it, it hides from me. Last time same thing happened at lake Yamanakako. And the time I took a tour to climb the big mountain. We couldn't see it although we were standing right on it. Both times due to cloud and fog. And these are just a couple examples.
But although we missed the main attraction, the rest of the trip totally made up for it. Just look at this beautiful shot Ayako took. Wow. And the picture doesn't do the scene justice.

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